Friday 29 April 2011

Sunday 17th April 2011 Miserden, Gloucs

This was the longer Miserden walk done with Robin and Liz. We parked in the usual place and set off in the sunshine past the estate wall and beyond.

We crossed the road and went across arable farmland, following a well defined path which heads left before entering woodland where the path becomes somewhat steeper veering to the left at the bottom of the incline, following a stream. We took a wrong (?) turn from previous walks and descended a steep grazing field full of sheep and joined the road to Duntisbourne Abbots. We quickly rejoined the track intended and climbed, passing cyclists going in the opposite direction. We crossed the meadow and started to climb the track which levels out and continues to the picturesque village of Duntisbourne Abbots. We passed lots of fabulous Cotswold 'gaffs' (sic Robin) particularly the very large renovation in the centre of the village which Robin knows well from his renovation exploits there.

We followed the road through Duntisbourne Abbots towards Birdlip then joined a footpath going through lush pasture with woods to the right towards Winstone where Robin had to do some running repairs on Liz's trainers (why did she not wear her boots?). We followed the road through Winstone, acquiring a Jack Russell on the way. We again left the road on the left and went across fields to Gaskill's Farm at the far corner.

Miserden Park Lake
Passing the farm outbuildings to our left, we were quickly at the lodge, the entrance to the estate and followed the long boring drive until we joined a grassy, muddy path going downhill. This was very muddy on previous walks but had now dried out but was very rough until we arrived at the bottom and saw the lake where we stopped for refreshments. 

We kept to the left of the lake, joined a rough track left and started to climb up the other side of the hill along a sunken muddy cart track before joining the road again. There were great views of the estate and especially the lake and Miserden Manor from the vantage point. We quickly rejoined the main road and found the pathway back to Miserden village, stopping at the Carpenters for a couple of pints before heading home (Wye Valley Hereford Pale Ale - excellent!) via the Somerset.

An OS view of the walk is below, courtesy of QUO digital mapping/OS:

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